MISTER Smart Innovation, managing entity of Tecnopolo Bologna CNR, collaborated with its partner Music Academy, International Academy of Creative Arts, in the implementation of the training course for "3D Modeling Technician Specialized In Motion/Performance Capture In Live Events, Performance & Exhibition VR (IFTS 2021)," funded...

The Tecnopolo Bologna CNR is very attentive to all issues that affect sustainability and refer to both the 2030 Agenda and the actions envisaged in the European Green Deal, with a focus on the food packaging sector. Recently, the MISTER Smart Innovation laboratory of the CNR...

MISTER and Proambiente, research laboratories of CNR Technopole, will participate in Researchers' Night 2022 in Bologna on Sept. 30 in Lucio Dalla Square starting at 6 p.m. MISTER's station will feature a demonstration of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems for automatic recognition of things and...

CNR Technopole is participating in the sixteenth edition of RemTech Expo, an international event specializing in the topics of land protection and sustainable development, urban regeneration and sustainable chemical industry, to be held at the Ferrara Fairgrounds from September 21-23, 2022. The event consists of ten...

  R2B has been for years the reference point for the regional and national innovation system, as well as a meeting point between institutions, companies, universities and innovators, which over time has been able to boast the participation of representatives of European institutions, as well as...

AMULET - Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies United for Lightweight - is a European project dedicated to supporting SMEs in the development of innovative lightweight solutions, i.e. in the application of advanced materials aimed at creating new ultralight products in response to different challenges and...

The fourth edition of the "Innovation Days - Green and Digital: Italy restarts" roadshow is back, the journey of the Sole 24 Ore and Confindustria through the Italian regions, which will put together the world of businesses and local institutions. The Emilia-Romagna stopover of the tour...

Local administrations that manage an urban regeneration project have at their disposal a path - organized by ART-ER - for identifying a founding mix model functional to their needs. The main purposes of the path consist in knowing how to seize more effectively the opportunities connected...