04 Apr The Biophotomics project: blood testing technologies
Microscopic analysis of blood samples requires the use of benchtop equipment, and therefore patients are obliged to visit specialized facilities. The Biophotomics project, funded by the POR-FESR 2014-2020 of Emilia-Romagna Region, aims at the development of a portable biophotonic device, equipped with software for the analysis of hyperspectral imaging obtained by dark-field microscopy. The project intends to respond to the need for non-invasive, low-cost and easy-to-access and use blood analysis for fragile patients e.g., patients with disabilities.
Another goal of the project is the development of a new method of biophotonic analysis of the fatty acids in the cell membrane, as an innovative indicator of the cell membrane health.
To get an overview of the project and the technologies applied, including artificial intelligence and the development of a prototype, take part in the online workshop on Tuesday 5 April.
The workshop will be held by researchers coming from project partner institutions: regional laboratories for technology transfer (LTTA Laboratory, PROAMBIENTE, University of Bologna CIRI – Life Sciences), an Innovation Center (Consorzio Futuro in Ricerca) and three private companies (Lipinutragen, Silfradent, Hyperspectral Imaging).
More information is available on the event website.