29 Sep Technopole labs at Researchers’ Night 2022
MISTER and Proambiente, research laboratories of CNR Technopole, will participate in Researchers’ Night 2022 in Bologna on Sept. 30 in Lucio Dalla Square starting at 6 p.m.
MISTER’s station will feature a demonstration of artificial intelligence and machine learning systems for automatic recognition of things and people.
PROAMBIENTE will present the CO2LAB project, in which small CO2 monitoring stations will be assembled and measurements of the values of home environments will be made in a small format. As part of the initiative, schools will also be able to book a multidisciplinary lesson.
The event is organized by the partners of the SOCIETY riPENSAci project, funded by the European Community under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions: CNR, CINECA, University of Bologna, CNR – INAF, CNR – INFN, CNR – INGV, ComunicaMente and Naxta.