28 Feb MISTER and Proambiente alongside Genetica23 and Hecareit! in the call for innovative start-ups
The project proposals presented by the start-ups HECAREIT! and Genetica23 have been granted funding in the call “Attraction and consolidation of innovative start-ups” POR-FESR 2014-2020, Emilia-Romagna.
The two start-ups are part of the Tecnopolo Bologna CNR ecosystem and will be supported by MISTER Smart Innovation and Proambiente in project implementation.
Cosmetics and DNA
Genetica23 is part of the S3 area of Health and Wellness having the aim of making scientific research a reality, transforming the results into innovative technological solutions for the regional production system. In fact, the start-up wants to invest in promoting the use of technologies for the creation of personalized cosmetic products. This process would lead to tailor-made personal care products that are as functional as possible, based on real and measurable scientific evidence.
Healthy and adaptable spaces
HECAREIT! develops innovative projects in the fields of home care, the healthiness of work/school environments and urban spaces. The start-up has developed SanaDomi, a system capable of transforming any room into an isolated and autonomous room in 24 hours, with monitored environmental parameters. The technology guarantees an intense air exchange without disturbing the inside climatic conditions. Through multi-stage filtration, it also guarantees continuous sanitation and a higher quality of the environment.