07 Feb Launch of ThePlanner, the portal dedicate to innovation events in Emilia-Romagna
The portal “ThePlanner” is active, a virtuale place made of events and opportunities for innovation. “ThePlanner” is not a common website but a virtual hub born with the goal of providing information, update and involve specialists, companies, entities and citizens from the regional, national and international innovation world.
The new portale, developed by Art-ER, enhances territorial initiatives related to research and innovation to broaden user participation in scientific, technological and entrepreneurial initiatives promoted by major players in the region.
ThePlanner provides a calendar, always updated, with all the activities and initiatives organized by the Technopoles and the Emilia-Romagna Clust-ER.
The users can sign-up to events of interest, check the programs and in-depth material, inform about pst events and stay updated on all the themes addressed during the initiatives. The news section represents a good tool of constant updating.
The goal is to foster participation of all the regional innovation community and make “ThePlanner” a point of reference for the building of a network aimed at stimulating new collaborations between young talents, cutting-edge entrepreneurial initiatives and territorial resources