11 Feb Flies4Value – soldier flies recover food waste: attend the presentation of the results of the project
The production of feed for laying hens is an activity with a high environmental and economic impact, which also has a negative effect on the health of the hens. For this reason, the Flies4Value project aims to develop and offer an economic, efficient and competitive system to reduce the use of synthetic pigments, which are expensive and harmful to the health of hens.
The system developed exploits the efficiency of bioconverting insects and the valorisation of organic residues, processes that are also useful for the production of other substances with added value for the food and agricultural sectors.
On Tuesday 15th of February, at 10.30 a.m., the final conference of the project is held at the Technopole Conference Hall in Reggio Emilia. Vincenzo Colla, the Regional Councillor for Economic Development, Green Economy, Employment and Training of the Emilia-Romagna Region, will take part in the conference.
The project is led by the Interdepartmental Research Centre BIOGEST-SITEIA of the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia in close cooperation with CRPV LAB, SITEIA Parma, Proambiente, CIRI Agro-food Industrial Research of the University of Bologna, with the involvement of the companies Mutti, A CasaLab, Molini Pivetti, Macè.