Emilia-Romagna Region continues to invest in innovation: Technopole CNR gets a €1,5 Milion funding

The Emilia-Romagna Region has recently approved, thanks to the funds of the 2021-2027 Fesr Regional Program, a Call for Proposals for significant funding of projects to expand and upgrade the infrastructure of the Technopoles in its territory. This funding represents a confirmation of the regional politics that promotes and enhances the consolidation of  technological and scientific infrastructures of the Region, as a strategic driver for the development of enterprises and the territory.

Among the already approved projects the one related to the expansion of the Technopole CNR, that has obtained a 1 and a half million euros funding. Leading the project, to be realized in the CNR Research Area of Bologna, is MISTER Smart Innovation, managing entity and lead partner of the partnership composed of the CNR and ProAmbiente.

The resources provided by the Emilia-Romgna Region will allow the construction of new labs and spaces in the Technopole CNR that will favor not only the development of the research activities, but also the territorial animation and the involvement of citizenship. The ability of the Technopole to raise awareness on technology and research issues will increase, with initiatives aimed to actively involve the local community and promote the innovation culture.

The expansion project of the Technopole CNR will include the realization of spaces dedicated to management and reception activities and to workshop, training and public engagement activities with the use of innovative audio-visual technologies, and a multifunctional laboratory on anthropogenic impacts in existing spaces within the Technopole building. In addition, some already existing spaces within the CNR Research Area of Bologna will be reconverted, with the purpose of realizing a technological infrastructure for prototipe development and processes upscaling. So, the project will contribute to further qualify this Technopole as a pole for innovation and technological transfer centered on materials, on technologies and on the environment.

The investment on innovation and research is strategic for the competitiveness and sustainable development of the Emilia-Romagna Region. With this initiative the Region confirms itself as a benchmark in the national arena for the promotion of scientific and technological knowledge, as well as the creation of opportunities for growth and skilled employment.

The Technopole Bologna CNR prepares itself to a new expansion and development phase, that will take to tangible benefits not only for the scientific community and the local entrepreneurship, but the entire Region. Thank  to the farsighted vision of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the commitment of the involved subjects, the future of innovation in this land rich of history and talent looks even more solid and a harbinger of opportunities for growth and development under the banner of environmental, economic and social sustainability.