Local administrations that manage an urban regeneration project have at their disposal a path – organized by ART-ER – for identifying a founding mix model functional to their needs.
The main purposes of the path consist in knowing how to seize more effectively the opportunities connected to national, regional and European programming (PNRR, POR FESR, UIA), in developing the work plan to activate the match-funding model to be adopted and to set up the own crowdfunding strategy.
This first accompanying pilot path includes 3 preparatory stages of training and capacity-building in May and a workshop in presence in Bologna in June, during the of R2B – Research To Business, the International Exhibition of Research and Skills for Innovation . At the workshop will participate Dr. Maria Teresa Salomoni, researcher of the Proambiente, the laboratory of the Tecnopolo Bologna CNR, who will deal with the issues related to Nature-Based Solutions.
The deadline for submitting the declaration of interest is April 26, 2022 at 9.00.
Learn more details here (Italian only).
The full text of the call and the participation form are available in Italian only at this link.