13 Jun R2B 2024: The Key Role of Tecnopoli at the Expo Research To Business: ‘Policy, People, Partenrship’
Tecnopolo Bologna CNR participates at R2B
The International Exhibition fo Research and High Skills for Innovation has represented for 19 years an annual meeting point for the international innovation community. It involves experts, companies, institutions, national universities and internationals centers on new technologies and on new frontiers if research, challenges and opportunities.
Over 100 appointments dedicated to innovation, divided in 12 thematic areas, will involve international speakers, experts and representatives of European and Italian institutions, entrepreneurs and researchers, venture capitals and financial operators.
Specifically, Tecnopolo Bologna CNR will have a momento of dialogue on the next 26 June at 15, with other Tecnopoli of Emilia-Romagna during the workshop “New instrumentation for enhancing research in the regional innovation ecosystem“, where we will talk about the strengthening of laboratories, instrumentation, skills, and the concretization of new business services to realize innovative experimentation environments, actively involving the stakeholders in the feasibility and applicability of different products, materials and solutions.
To talk about these themes there will be Valeria Pignadoli, manager of the Tecnopolo Bologna CNR and MISTER Smart Innovation, along with the Tecnopoli of Ferrara, Bologna CNR, Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna, Reggio-Emilia and Modena, presenting the activities to be launched to enhance the regional S3.
Furthermore, the Tecnopoli will be present in the following workshops:
- Il nuovo volto dei Tecnopoli: crocevia tra innovazione, sviluppo e territorio, 📆26 Jun 2024 ⏰16:00 – 16:50 📍ARENA Territori e Infrastrutture
MISTER Smart Innovation, manager and lab of the Tecnopolo CNR, will participate as a speaker in the following workshops, presenting the projects funded by the Emilia-Romagna Region through the program Por FESR
- L’innovazione del patrimonio culturale: modalità di gestione e fruizione digitali e condivise , 📆26 Jun 2024 ⏰14:00 – 14:50
- Cybersecurity industriale: manifattura sostenibile, interconnessa e sicura 📆27 Jun 2024 ⏰16:00 – 16:50
More links of interest:
>> Scopri tutti gli eventi e incontri di R2B
R2B is promoted by the Emilia-Romagna Region, organized by ART-ER – Attractiveness Research Territory and BolognaFiere, with co-financing from the Emilia-Romagna Region’s European Funds.