27 Mar Hub Culture and Creativity: MISTER and Technopole CNR for the innovation of the cultural sector
MISTER Smart Innovation, manger subject of the Technopole Bologna CNR, has been allowed to participate as an affiliate to the Hub Culture and Creativity of the Emilia-Romagna Region, a new direction booth that operates as a convergence point, summary and representation of the Cultural and Creative Industries sector.
The HUB has been created in implementation of the 2021/2027 Smart Specialization Strategy, approved by the Legislative Assembly of the 31st June 2021, which provides for the creation of hubs and centers of expertise at the regional level intended as places, physical or virtual, aimed to stimulating networking activities, encourage industrial growth and development also from an innovation perspective of active community involvement.
What are the HUB activities?
In this context, the HUB will be responsible for the aggregation and support to in activities of calls for and calls, training and supporting the operators. In addition, 3 work tracks will be established:
- CREATIVITY IN POLICY: policy design for the construction of specific supporting measures of single ICC sub-sectors;
- OLTRE I LAB: Shared tool for accessing spoke service offerings and open catalog of experience and expertise Shared interface for presenting the range of expertise and services of regional research labs dedicated to CCI digitization
- E.S.K.: Shared tool for accessing spoke service offerings and open catalog of experience
Subjects involved in the HUB
There are different subjects involved in the HUB:
- The Emilia-Romagna Region, as promoter of the initiative and specifically the Cultural Activities Sector, Culture Economy, Youth;
- the different sectors of the Emilia-Romagna Region’s General Directorate for Knowledge, Research, Labor, and Business that deal with calls and initiatives that can have an impact on the Cultural and Creative Industries;
- ART-ER, who provides operative and strategic support for the management of regional Clust-ER Create, Innovate and Build, as stakeholders of the various industrial chains that make up the sector;
- The spoke who showed interest in taking part in this action through a public interest event;
- The affiliated members, that operate on the territory and whose main focus revolves around the world of culture and creativity
A diverse group that aims to act as a point of convergence, synthesis and reflection to realize systematic actions for the innovation of the whole regional cultural and creative sector. Indeed, the motivation and the defining element of the Hub is “policy design” of new priority interventions for the development and growth of the compartments related to Culture and Creativity, through the focus of incisive and suitable tools to collect concrete needs and implement interventions responsive to them.