06 Jun Digital CorNeR: Piazza Maggiore in Bologna hosts the first event of the project
On the afternoon of Tuesday, May 23, Piazza Maggiore in Bologna hosted the first event organized as part of the Digital CorNeR project, in which the managing entity of the Tecnopolo MISTER and the Tecnopolo Proambiente laboratory are participating.
This was the first use case of the project, aimed at enhancing and demonstrating the potential of 5G technology for audiovisual industries.
With the collaboration of project partner M.P.D.A. aps, a number of students from Music Academy were involved, who participated first in rehearsals at the Creative Hub Bologna, for testing the videographic part related to cameras and sound, and finally in the flash mob in Piazza Maggiore.
The use case demonstrated the possibility of immersive and interactive live broadcasting of a performance held outdoors, in a place not wired with fiber optics, thanks to 5G technology.
CNR Technopole and project partners thank the City of Bologna for the availability of the space and Vodafone for technical support.
Watch the video of the event ⬇️ Soon on MISTER’s YouTube channel some moments of the event will be viewable in 360 3D immersive mode.