The 18th Edition of the International Exhibition of Research and Skills for Innovation will take place in Bologna on June 8 and 9 with two days of conferences, workshops and laboratories focused on the theme of talent and skills. 140 workshops, 4 conferences organized with the...

Stories of sustainability: the event that gives voice to sustainable projects, from research to enterprise June 21 starting at 9 a.m. at the Greenhouses of Giardini Margherita in Bologna "You don't throw anything away," our grandparents used to say, referring to food when it was still good...

The activities of the Digital CorNeR project, funded by the Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, which involves collaboration between the lead partner MISTER Smart Innovation, managing entity of the CNR Technopole, Proambiente, the National Research Council, M.P.D.A. aps and the Luciano Pavarotti Foundation,...

MUSICIAN INSTRUMENTALIST SPECIALIZING IN WEB PERFORMANCE SYSTEMS AND INTERFACING WITH SMART INSTRUMENTS Course for training musical creatives capable of using state-of-the-art hardware and software instrumentation in music creation and production is back 🎼 Operation Ref. PA 2022-17885/RER approved by Regional Council Resolution No.DGR 1951/2022 dated 14/11/2022 and...

During the last period we have organized several visits and hosted students from different fields at the Tecnopolo. These included the men and women attending courses in which MISTER, the managing entity of the Technopole, collaborates from the process of defining the content to teaching in...

🔶 The call in brief The second open call under the European AMULET project is now open, which will select SMEs to lead bottom-up projects for the development and implementation of demonstration activities on technologies and systems applicable to 12 different areas of interest in advanced...

The CNR Technopole through its managing entity MISTER Smart Innovation and the Bologna Chamber of Commerce Industry, Crafts and Agriculture (CCIAA Bologna) are strengthening the collaboration started in 2019 to foster the dissemination and enhancement of innovation and research in the business fabric on issues...

Tecnopolo Bologna CNR, through its managing entity MISTER Smart Innovation, participates in the organization of IFTS courses (Higher Technical Education and Training Courses) in collaboration with partner training institutions FAV - Fondazione Aldini Valeriani and Music Academy. Three training activities are planned for the year 2023: ...

The second Call for startups of Forward Factory, the National Network Cassa Depositi e Prestiti accelerator dedicated to Digital Manufacturing launched in 2022 by GELLIFY and CDP Venture Capital SGR - Fondo Nazionale Innovazione, is open. The call for startups will be open until Dec. 31,...

The QAI - Indoor Air Quality Working Group of Clust-ER Greentech, in collaboration with Clust-ER Build, has produced a document on the topic of Air Quality in Schools. The strategic objective is to provide informative, practical, and comprehensive support to all stakeholders concerned with well-being, energy...

Who said that physics, electronics and programming have nothing to do with music? A sound, in fact, is simply the propagation of a wave in the air that vibrates the eardrum of our ear, generating a nerve impulse directed to the brain. Exactly like radio waves or...