21 Jun An open innovation call for sustainability in the textile industry
The National Cluster Made in Italy (Minit) launches an open innovation call for sustainability in the textile sector.
The call aims to create a connection, collaborations, partnerships and joint ventures with two international leaders in the textile sector such as RadiciGroup and Decathlon Produzione Italia, member companies of the same Minit Cluster. Proposals that can innovatively respond to the sustainability challenges below will constitute the preferred short list on which collaboration, development and synergy projects can be launched.
The themes/challenges of the call are four:
circular economy
business models
Who is the call aimed at?
startups and SMEs that are already established
business projects that have not yet been established but have developed a structured reflection of their business idea
research groups referring to public or private bodies, institutions, research organizations
innovators understood as individuals possessing the necessary ownership related to the innovation presented.
To learn more, read the rules and apply for your proposal visit the dedicated page.