31 Aug CNR Technopole at RemTech Expo 2022
CNR Technopole is participating in the sixteenth edition of RemTech Expo, an international event specializing in the topics of land protection and sustainable development, urban regeneration and sustainable chemical industry, to be held at the Ferrara Fairgrounds from September 21-23, 2022.
The event consists of ten segments, with related topics of specialization:
- REMTECH and REMTECH EUROPE remediation of contaminated sites;
- COAST coastal protection, ports, sustainability;
- ESONDA hydrogeological instability, floods, landslides;
- CLIMETECH climate change, mitigation, adaptation;
- GEOSYSTEM earthquake risk, prevention, reconstruction;
- INERTIA sustainable works materials, circular economy;
- RIGENERACITY urban regeneration;
- CHEMTECH innovative and sustainable chemical industry;
- FIRE prevention-innovation-research, prevention and fire safety of the Italian Cultural Heritage;
- HUTTE dedicated to the themes of sustainability and integral well-being.
Come and visit us! We will be in Hall 4 – Booth #159
View the schedule of events and speeches that will be held during the fair.
Register for free here by September 19 midnight.
Cover image: graphics of the RemTech Expo 2022 event.